It's been a while since my last "organic" post, so this time I thought I would try something different.
I came across a recipe for homemade wipes that happened to be organic if you use the right ingredients.
The best part, these money saving wipes contained items that were already in my cupboards!
Here's what you need to save your babies bum some dryness and save your 5 dollar bills for the college fund:)
- 7 cup Rubbermaid container with a snap lid
- Roll of "Bounty" paper towel, cut in half
-Organic coconut oil
-A few squirts of organic baby wash
-2 cups of warm water
The Bounty rolls we purchased were huge, but they managed to just squeeze in the container. I added the spoon so you could see how thick it was.
I purchased this coconut oil from the grocery store in the organic section, it has no aroma and is great for cooking in lieu of butter or oil.
Coconut oil is antibacterial, anti-fungal, and is extremely moisturizing for your babies skin! On it's own it is a great body moisturizer. It's so safe and so silky to the touch it's even sold as a personal lubricant.
Anyways, enough about coconut oil, I could go on for hours about the benefits!!
We use the "Live Clean-Baby" products on Oliver, they are certified organic and 98% plant derived. We used to use Johnson's brand, but after the huge uproar about their products possibly containing cancerous materials, we switched! Live Clean isn't that much more, you can buy it at Walmart or Shoppers Drug Mart. We love using it knowing that it's all natural ingredients going on our baby's sweet skin :)
Melt your coconut oil in a warm frying pan, just enough to turn it into a watery liquid. I let the pan heat up on the burner before I added the oil, then took it off the stove and let it melt by itself.
Pour your melted oil into a measuring cup and add 2 cups of warm water.
Add in two or three pumps of your favourite baby wash and stir.
Add your measuring cup mix to your container.
Set in your giant paper towel roll and press down firmly.
After forcing the roll down into the container, pop on the lid and turn it upside down. Do not open it for at least 5 minutes. Trust me!
Once the time is up and you can see from the outside that the roll is completely submerged in water you can flip it back upright and take out the cardboard roll.
Et voila!! :)
The easiest, cheapest, and healthiest way to make baby wipes!
This container costs about $.75 and is 100% natural!
I honestly made these wipes in less time than it would take me to get in the car and drive to the store to pick them up, especially when you already have the ingredients in your house.
These wipes are also great as a makeup remover or to freshen up after a workout.
Thanks for reading!