For every mother that reads the title of this post, I imagine they will utter the words, "AMEN!" as they raise their hands high as if they are in a Southern church on Sunday!
After bearing a child, yoga pants somehow turn into your best friend. They always seem to be there, laying at the end of your bed calling out to you every day. They know your body shape, they cling to the mommy belly pooch that seems to hang below the waist, in this sad, helpless state. What is that anyway?! (Three years later, and it stares back at me everyday!) The pants always make you feel better when you're having a FAT DAY, or, just a 'day'. Because when motherhood begins, all the days mix together and it's just one cluster$%#*! The pants don't judge you because you're still carrying your baby weight. So it's been three years, I can still use that excuse right? The pants even have a matching twin, because standing in the aisles of Walmart you thought, I need two of the exact same pair. And it's the best decision you made, because when one pair is dirty, you rifle your closet for your best friend to make yourself feel better. You can dress them up or down, seriously, they are the little black dresses of mommy world. If you put it with a cute top, say hello mommy date! If you add your husband's sweatshirt, it's a way of saying, 'I haven't slept in 21 hours and I don't give a hoot what I look like'. I made myself a promise that I would never leave the house in sweat or yoga pants, just as a general rule so I wouldn't succumb to the lazy lifestyle I knew was upon me. But alas, my first bad day after my son was born, I was all hopped up on painkillers from my C-section, the blue day happened and I was as emotional and crying as much as my newborn baby, and I said you know what, YOGA PANTS BRING IT ON! And I left the house donning the delicious and sexy black pants I said I'd never wear except to the gym. That's right I said sexy, the one thing that made me happy in amongst a terribly dark day.
So the next time you need to feel good about yourself, the next time you want to look skinnier in 10 seconds, you put on those lovely black yoga pants and you strutt your mama stuff!
Black yoga pants UNITE!!
...And no, this picture below is not me.......I would sell bad things on the black market to look THAT good in yoga pants. Damn her, I bet she's not even a Mom. (But let's be honest, no one wants to see my crooked baby belly in yoga pants, so you can have cute yoga pants model instead. Cheers friends.