I've decided to switch up the content in my blog, refresh things a little bit, and make it more relevant to my current lifestyle. I'm hoping that the switch will keep me constantly posting because it's of interest to me, and hopefully interest to my followers. Which currently I have none of, so for now, I'm posting to the world wide web of nothingness. ;)
Let me start by saying I'm most proud to be a mother of a toddler, the wife to an amazing man, and lastly, a fitness instructor at our local gym. I'm currently striving to finish my group fitness instructor certification which has been a long time coming!
I'm hoping that everything I post will benefit you in some way, even if you get a small tidbit of information, at least you're better of now than you were before you read. I am by no means an expert, I do not claim to know everything about health, fitness, and "mommydom". But I can tell you I'm as real as they come, and am in the same boat as everyone else. Striving to life a better, healthier, peaceful, more balanced life.
I hope this blog switch will benefit us all.